Where Influencers Become Advisors.

Time to graduate to Advisor status!  Let's Build Each Other Up!™

Are you an influencer lost in clutter, narcissism, and content irrelevant to your message?  Time for your advice, inspiration, tips, or lesson to meet people seeking them.  Sage Advice is a community built for positive content creators who seek to improve others.  Provide value and share your expertise for free or collect donations. 

How much time do you spend trying to figure out or master follow-backs, freebies, likes, bots, filters, and more? Yet, that is what influencers do.  Advisors are concerned about making an impact and helping others achieve.  It comes from establishing trust and credibility.  Now real people that want to advise has a platform, Sage Advice.  This is not a place for content arm-races to keep up with other creators.  We don't want you to burn out.  We encourage being genuine and taking your time so your post becomes your legacy and evergreen for people seeking it. 

-Imagine where more than only 10% of your followers on Instagram are seeing your content.  

-Imagine not constantly fighting and figuring out an algorithm. 

-Imagine a destination where your content can help people.

-Opt to collect donations on content where your knowledge deserves payment. 

-Develop more profound relationships with Real Time conversations.

-Actively respond to people that are seeking insight and knowledge. 

-Conduct 1:1 or group appointments. 

An influencer is not an advisor. That said, we want you to stay on all of those platforms.  We believe each has value, and you should have omnipresence for your message—YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and now Sage Advice.  Post that great picture on stunning Instagram (yes, we are old school), entertain on TikTok, and complement it by driving people to Sage Advice, where you can elevate your message through advice, tips, life hacks, or lessons.   For example, you might be a fashionista posting pictures of outfits on Instagram and then featuring them in an entertaining post on Tiktok.  You can compliment that post by driving people to Sage Advice to learn Fashion Advice, Fall Favorites and Why, How to pair outfits, etc. 

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