Who is Sage Advice For?

Where Growth Takes Place.

Discover and develop yourself to grow in positive ways through videos and live streaming. Help improve or gain skills that will help you prepare for the future, learn how to do something new, or learn more about something you're interested in.

Make An Impact.

Coaches, mentors, and teachers are making a difference. Students of any age can now seek advice, and experts like you can share their wisdom with people actively seeking it. 

It's A Family Thing.

Any family member can set up a private group and record advice. Share for today with knowledge ranging from Grandma's secret recipe to Parents' advice to their children. Share for tomorrow, where the advice lives on after loved ones can no longer share their sageness. Your legacy is the knowledge you pass on and contribute to the future generation of growth. 

Where Influencers Become Advisors. 

Are you an influencer lost in a world of clutter, narcissism, and content irrelevant to your message? Time for your advice, inspiration, tips, or lesson to meet people seeking them. Sage Advice is a community built for positive content creators who seek to improve others. Provide value and share your expertise for free or collect donations.

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