Getting Started
After downloading the app or logging online, you will go through an onboarding process. The screens are designed to assist in personalizing your experience. You will not see any content unless you select to follow people during onboarding. Content will appear in that space as soon as you follow people. You should "click" on the search button on the bottom navigation to add people.
1. Name & Greeting - The app will greet you based on your name or username.
2. Quick Tabs - Filters to adjust your content.
a. All - show all post
b. On Air - Advisors you are following that are currently On Air (Live).
c. Mail icon - your messages or shared content.
d. Categories (sports, food, etc.) based on your category selection at sign-up, or you can adjust in your settings.
3. Bottom Navigation -
a. Home - this will return you to your home screen.
b. Search - find categories of interest, advisors to follow, find people giving advice, tips, or lessons, find people requesting advice, tips, or lessons.
c. Post button - post a video, upload video, go live, schedule live lesson, request advice.
d. Groups/Lessons - create, manage or view your groups and lessons.
e. My Profile - is your control center. It shows your bio, followers, following, adds a collection, set up Schedule Advice, and your posts. It's also where you can edit your profile info and adjust your Profile or General Settings.