What is Upvoting & Downvoting?

What is Upvoting?

Upvoting is a powerful tool to inform advisors that you appreciate their contributions. It also signals to others that this is quality content. Therefore, Sage Advice should show it to more peopleFurthermore, it tells the author, great job, and this is quality content. Finally, upvotes are the direct feedback that tells an advisor their content fulfills a purpose.

What is Downvoting?

Downvoting does not mean you do not like something. Instead, it is a filter when things are factually incorrect and could result in negative learning, downvoting to flag significantly lower-quality content.  

Again, this does not mean you should use it if you disagree or dislike something or someone or if you have a countering opinion. It is a measurement based on viewing similar content, and you believe better content needs to be shared first with the community. 

Does the Advisor see my downvote?

Downvotes aren't public, and they are confidential as they will not be shared with the author. We are not here to have a "hive mind" when voting but instead promote a respectful exchange of advice, tips, lessons, and inspiration you want to share; if some people enjoy it, great! However, it should not affect your effort if others don't appreciate your insight. If you are posting for the right reasons, then you know it takes just one person to spark that fire that makes a change.

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