What should I post?

Sage Advice is a community of people passionate about making others better through positive content. They want to share their wisdom to help others better themselves or gain skills to help others prepare for the future.  Here are some suggestions:

  1. How-to videos, best of, etc.
  2. Lessons or Life Hacks
  3. Messages of inspiration or motivation
  4. Tips or tricks
  5. Advice (parental, SME, fashion, tech, sports, education, etc)
  6. Reviews with Recommendations, "what to buy"
  7. Skill-building or development
  8. Educational
  9. DIY
  10. Mentoring, self-improvement

Just remember 

This is NOT a place for hate speech or racism.
This is NOT a place for sexual display
This is NOT a place for violence

Sage Advice is Not here to share your data with outsiders.

Make sure you follow our community guidelines and policies. 

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